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Adult Literacy Department

Get the Skills you Need! GED, ESL,
Digital Literacy, and more!

For over 22 years, the Plainfield Public Library's Award Winning Adult Literacy Department has provided GED, ESL, and Basic Literacy Services free of charge to the residents of the Greater Plainfield area.




The Plainfield Literacy Partners is a community-wide network, connecting resources, volunteers, training, and support services. These include award-winning Basic Literacy, GED, ESL, Digital Literacy, and Citizenship Training, free of charge to the greater Plainfield community.

The Plainfield Public Library's Literacy Program is also proud to be partners in adult education with:

  • American Library Association
  • Dollar General
  • Grace Episcopal Church
  • Kean University Graduate School of Education
  • New Jersey Department of Labor
  • Rutgers University SALSA
  • Union County One Stops
  • United Church of Christ

Together we can:

  • Provide the skills necessary for adults to reenter the workforce and thrive in new economy jobs.
  • Give parents the tools to become involved in their child's education.
  • Help these "invisible learners" advocate for themselves.

We need you to support our clients as they seek to improve their lives, the lives of their families, and the vitality of the Greater Plainfield Area.

Join the ranks of committed public and private institutions that ensure the preservation and growth of Plainfield Literacy programs.

Invest your energy and resources in our students and be amazed at what they can then accomplish.

For more information on how you can help, contact the Plainfield Public Library Literacy Services Department at 908-757-1111 x123 or

How Can You Help?

The Plainfield Public Library's award winning Literacy program is seeking new volunteers to tutor small ESL, Basic Literacy, and GED prep classes. Training, curriculum, and materials are provided. No credentials or prior experience needed.

Your minimum commitment of one hour per week means:

  • A parent will now be able to read a note from his/her child's teacher.
  • Someone will be able to apply for a job.
  • An immigrant will become a citizen.
  • You WILL change someone's life.

Button for Tutor Application

Share Your Experience with Us!

We value your journey with our programs and would love to hear how they have impacted you. Your story can inspire others and help us continue to improve our services. Please take a moment to share your experience by filling out the Client Testimonial Form.

Button for Client Testimonial Form



Services Offered

For more information about any of our programs, please call the Literacy Office at 908-757-1111 ext. 123.

Our program is designed to help non-native English speakers achieve fluency and proficiency in the English language, with classes in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. PPL uses a combination of small-class instruction, conversation hours, events, one-to-one tutoring, and self-directed learning software, to help our clients receive instruction at a variety of times and in a variety of ways.

Interested in Learning English? To begin the registration process, fill out this form.

Interesado en aprender ingls? Para comenzar el proceso de registro, complete este formulario.

Hablamos Espanol!

GED and Pre-GED Test Preparation
PPL's Adult Literacy Department uses a mixture of small classroom instruction, one-to-one tutoring, and supplemental self-directed learning all aligned to the GED test. Classes are available at a variety of levels and times in Math, Reading, and Writing. Advance registration is required.

GED Testing Site
To better serve the community, the Plainfield Public Library, in cooperation with the New Jersey Department of Education, has been certified as an official GED testing site. More information on the GED test in New Jersey can be found at Preregistration is required and standard fees will apply. In order to register for the exam please go to

For more information regarding our GED Resources, contact Rosa Nicks at 908-757-1111 x122.

U.S. Citizenship Test Preparation
The Plainfield Public Library Adult Literacy Department offers classes to  prepare students for their upcoming interview and citizenship test. 

For more information regarding Citizenship preparation, contact Stella Segura at 908-757-1111 x121.

Digital Literacy
PPL's Computer Training Program has a variety of training options to fit your skill-level and availability that you can access for free. For more information, please visit our Computer Training webpage.

The Plainfield Public Library offers free, useful tools to assist you with your job search. We are your source for resume and cover letter advice, interviewing tips, hiring resources, and job postings and provide LIVE job search assistance. We are committed to helping you reach your employment goals.


Have a suggestion for how we can serve you better? Fill out our Suggestion Form TODAY!

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