Research Collections & Services
The Reference Department holds many collections that are used on a regular basis, for example:
Our career guide collection is a valuable resource for those currently looking for a job as well as people who are making plans for their future education and job training.
We have also developed a list of job-seeking resources as part of our Community Guide.
Test preparation materials are available for standardized tests that are required for high school exit exams and college and graduate school admissions, such as the GED, SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, LSAT and MCAT.
Current newspapers can be found at the Reference Desk.
Back issues of the Courier News are available on microfilm, located near the public computers on the main floor of the library.
Historical area newspapers can be found in the Local History Department on the lower level.
A wide variety of reference materials are also available in Spanish; these materials are located in the Reference Section near the library entrance.
- Please search the Plainfield Public Library catalog for additional available materials.
In addition to these collections our staff has compiled a selection of pathfinders, author read alikes, and bookmaps for your information.
Reference staff are available to proctor exams. Please contact the reference desk for more information.
**At this time the library does not proctor online exams.**

City of Plainfield
The Plainfield City Council Meeting Packets are now available at the Library, starting with the packet for the November 9, 2009 Agenda Fixing meeting. Current packets are available at the Reference Desk. Simply let the Reference Librarian know which meeting packet you would like to see and it will be pulled for you. Packets older than three months will be housed in the Library's Local History Department on the lower level.
Public Computers
There are public computers available for the public next to the Reference section. Visitors can use the computers for personal research and will have access to the library's Community Guide and the Online Databases.
There is a one-hour time limit for computer usage, which may be extended if there is not a waiting list. For more information, please visit the Public Computers page.
Community Guides
The Plainfield Public Library has created an online Community Guide of local and regional resources on the following:
Online Databases
The library subscribes to online databases that provide full text access to a variety of newspaper and magazine articles, as well as business, medical, historical, and car repair information. The Local History department has also developed databases of local photographs, postcards and blueprints.